Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sick Baby Part 4

And the story continues. Matt, Eli and I made our way to the big hospital today for an ultrasound on Eli's head. His head is a bit bigger than average and with a premature baby that can mean many things so we just wanted to make sure none of them were true. He passed his scan and is totally fine. His awful cough and ear infections are continuing to be a problem, but I'm certain with time and the meds we are using he will be back to his old self eventually. It just feels like forever! I am so thankful to say he is still sleeping through the night in spite of all that's going on. I say that to say for some reason I'm not getting the sleep I need. I'm finding myself falling asleep in the afternoon and not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. I assure you I'm not pregnant!! But I have no idea what it is. I am going to the dr tomorrow myself to talk about what is going on and hoping for a solution that will help me to feel rested again.

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