Monday, January 21, 2008

Our New Deck

What a weekend we had. Following my surgery I could do nothing, but my dad and Barb had already planned a trip to come help with the house. So, on Thursday night they arrived and we enjoyed a nice dinner together...Friday morning, dad started working while Barb and I took DJ to the vet for a redress of her injured paw. Before the dr could take DJ back I had some discomfort and, Barb and I left DJ at the dr.'s office and ran to the hospital only to find out that everything is ok. After we picked up DJ and lunch we went home to find dad had started framing up the deck and that is what he and Barb worked on for the rest of the day. Saturday morning it was rainy and gross, so we stayed in and rested. Around noon everyone (except me) started working and by 8 that night the decks were finished!! Some of our friends came over to help. It was great! I am so thankful that dad and Barb were willing to come and put in so much time on our house. I hate that all they did was work while they were here and went home with nothing to show for it, but I am so thankful for our new decks on that back of our house!!
Thanks dad and Barb!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Isn't it amazing how quickly things change?! Six months ago, Matt and I were so eager to go in and find out the sex of our baby one day and the next I was in labor and losing him. It seems like this whole baby thing should come naturally...Seeing how God commanded us to multiply!! But who am I to question God? :) We went in for an ultrasound on Monday with the specialist. The baby looks fact, we found out that we are having a BOY!! We are both so excited. During the ultrasound it seemed that my cervix had shrunk from 3.5cm to 2.5 cm and the specialist said that we needed to have a stitch placed this week. My doctor worked me in for Wednesday morning and I went in at 9 and had my stitch placed by 12. I was afraid...mostly of the epidural...knowing that it was going to be painful. It all worked out ok. Dr. Morris said that we caught it just in cervix had already shrunk by 1.5cm down to 2cm. That is bad because they can't place a stitch in the last 1cm, therefore, they only had 1cm to work with and could only place one stitch. But the stitch is there. I have had some discomfort and that will likely continue for a while, I will be on bed rest for a couple of days then back to life as normal without the lifting.

Monday, January 14, 2008


2 Kings 6:8-17 "Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel...He sent horses and chariots and a strong force there (to Dothan where the Israelites were camped). They went by night and surrounded the city. When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" the servant asked. "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."

I am so happy to report today that Matt and I are expecting a baby BOY!! We have been blessed to have found out so early, and we are tickled pink (or blue?). Before the loss of Judah, we had chosen the name Charles Elisha for our son. With the unfortunate events of Judah's short life, we held the name for our next son. It is so funny how these things work out...and we couldn't have known why we waited to name our son after such a great man of faith, but it is so obvious to me now that this baby needed this name for MY comfort. I forget so quickly how much my God loves me and protects me. I believe that those who are with us are stronger and more powerful than anything that Satan can do. What a thought!! My God is protecting this baby with many horses and chariots...and I trust Him...No matter what His plan is!! I am not saying that I KNOW that this baby will live for me to hold and raise, but that I KNOW that my God can save his life. It is up to Him!! I am just along for the ride!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


My poor little dog has hurt her paw. The dr. says it is the worst place for a dog to get cut. I'm not really sure what happened?! This morning, I let her out for about 5 minutes and when she came back in, she was limping, and her paw was bleeding. I was totally freaked out...I loaded her up in the car and off the the doggy ER we went. The dr. had to give her 11 stitches and sent her home with a nice bandage and some antibiotics. Her paw will have to be wrapped for 3 weeks or longer. I feel so bad for her. :(

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Vision Quest

Years ago, when we first chose to make Jesus lord of our lives, we made a yearly Vision Quest. I can't say that I remember all of the goals that it covered, but I thought I would share my 2008 Vision Quest in hopes that others would be inspired to make their own Vision Quest...and choose to dream for God this year.

I can say for sure that my life is feeling quite dry lately. I am still grieving the loss of one baby and trying not to worry about the precious life I have growing in me now. In my efforts to protect my heart, I have built a wall, and for the most part I am completely satisfied strolling through life as if nothing ever happened, but there are moments when reality sets in and I realize that I am a grieving parent...and a worried expecting mom. So, my Vision Quest this year is geared towards where my heart is at this moment.

My Vision Quest Scripture: Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. It is part of the scripture I have chosen to pattern my life life focus scripture - Romans 12:9-13.

My Spiritual Goal for 2008 is to live out the scripture above by finding joy in the hope of heaven...and the hope of a precious new baby to hold, being patient with myself as my heart mends...and as the doctors poke and prod and work so hard to give us a baby, and being faithful in prayer...knowing that I can only meet this goal with God's help!

My Physical Goal for 2008 is to take care of myself. It's not a weight loss goal or a physical change goal...more a self-discipline goal (2 Tim 1:7). I want to take care of the body God has given me...I want to train my kids that it is important to take care of yourself...therefore, I need to live an example of this!

These are my Vision Quest Goals. I hope they inspire you towards great goals for 2008.