Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Tender Years

I'm so excited to be starting a new parenting book. I never finished the first one I started, but I'm hoping I will have more success with this one as the chapters are shorter and more focused on God's instruction for raising kids. Not that the other one didn't...anyway.
This book is fairly new and I was hoping to find some friends to enjoy the journey with me. It's called The Tender Years: Parenting Preschoolers by Geri Laing and Elizabeth Laing Thompson.
Anyone who's interested, let me know! I'd love to enjoy this journey together with my friends!


Davene said...

I thought that book looked good, but I don't have a copy. Let me know how it's going for you and what you think of it!

By the way, I forgot to mention that I like the new look of your blog, especially the family picture in your header. Eli is looking so big!

ashleykaye said...

it is going SO well!! it has really short and meaty chapters. a great book for the busy mom because Geri and Elizabeth are to the point and quick knowing you likely don't have a lot of time for fluff. i love it!