Monday, January 21, 2008

Our New Deck

What a weekend we had. Following my surgery I could do nothing, but my dad and Barb had already planned a trip to come help with the house. So, on Thursday night they arrived and we enjoyed a nice dinner together...Friday morning, dad started working while Barb and I took DJ to the vet for a redress of her injured paw. Before the dr could take DJ back I had some discomfort and, Barb and I left DJ at the dr.'s office and ran to the hospital only to find out that everything is ok. After we picked up DJ and lunch we went home to find dad had started framing up the deck and that is what he and Barb worked on for the rest of the day. Saturday morning it was rainy and gross, so we stayed in and rested. Around noon everyone (except me) started working and by 8 that night the decks were finished!! Some of our friends came over to help. It was great! I am so thankful that dad and Barb were willing to come and put in so much time on our house. I hate that all they did was work while they were here and went home with nothing to show for it, but I am so thankful for our new decks on that back of our house!!
Thanks dad and Barb!!

1 comment:

Angelina Garcia said...

It’s so great that your family came out to help with your deck. I hope you were able to enjoy it right away. Did you post pictures of the deck somewhere in your blog? I’m planning to build my own deck, so I’m gathering as much design inspiration as possible.