Thursday, January 17, 2008


Isn't it amazing how quickly things change?! Six months ago, Matt and I were so eager to go in and find out the sex of our baby one day and the next I was in labor and losing him. It seems like this whole baby thing should come naturally...Seeing how God commanded us to multiply!! But who am I to question God? :) We went in for an ultrasound on Monday with the specialist. The baby looks fact, we found out that we are having a BOY!! We are both so excited. During the ultrasound it seemed that my cervix had shrunk from 3.5cm to 2.5 cm and the specialist said that we needed to have a stitch placed this week. My doctor worked me in for Wednesday morning and I went in at 9 and had my stitch placed by 12. I was afraid...mostly of the epidural...knowing that it was going to be painful. It all worked out ok. Dr. Morris said that we caught it just in cervix had already shrunk by 1.5cm down to 2cm. That is bad because they can't place a stitch in the last 1cm, therefore, they only had 1cm to work with and could only place one stitch. But the stitch is there. I have had some discomfort and that will likely continue for a while, I will be on bed rest for a couple of days then back to life as normal without the lifting.

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