I am pretty much worthless these days. I'm pretty sure I broke my tailbone. The funny thing is that I did it almost 5 years ago.
I was visiting and friend and fell down her stairs and am pretty sure I broke my tailbone, but due to the fact that I knew the doctor couldn't do anything for it, I just rested and the pain passed.
Well, a couple of days ago I had the same nagging pain I often have from sitting on something hard or sleeping in the wrong position. Unfortunately, unlike the normal pain, this pain has escalated to full on pain. I am now taking Percocet and Ibuprofen in large doses and am only coping with the pain when I'm taking them regularly.
I did have an x-ray today and will, hopefully, soon find out what is going on and what to expect as far as healing goes, but for now, I am just waiting and praying! Thank God because my BFF Emanda is off school on Thursdays and Matt is off on Fridays so I have been able to keep Eli's needs met through them the last couple of days, but a new week is approaching and I am praying God will provide hands to care for Eli as long as I must be in bed.
Resting and praying and waiting...