"For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him." I Samuel 1:27
The long awaited day has arrived. Our baby, Charles Elisha Atkins (Eli) was born today at 6:11 a.m. He weighs 4 lb. 4.5 oz. and is 17.5 in. long. What an amazing day!!
I met with my doctors yesterday and everyone predicted I would go to term (37 weeks), but Eli wasn't waiting any longer!! Here's what happened...
We went to bed early because Matt had to be up at 4 am for a trip for work the next morning. At around 1:30 am. The contractions started, but I didn't believe it because I had just seen the dr. that day! I went back to bed thinking it was nothing and I didn't want to bother Matt with the whole thing unless it was the real thing because he had to be up so early for work. Finally, after waiting through 1 hour and 3 2 minute contractions I decided I was really having a baby! so, we were off to the hospital.
We arrived and walked to labor and delivery (which must be half a mile from the parking structure, no kidding!!). They did the normal check you out and make sure you are actually having a baby. After some time, they decided I was in labor and they would need to cut the stitch. They called Dr. Morris. While the resident was on the phone with him the baby's hear rate dropped to 80 (it should stay around 140-150). So she got of the phone REALLY quick and started flipping me from side to side until his heart was back up. After the big scare, they cut the stitch and we were on our way...my cervix was at 10 around 6 am and they set me up in the o.r. because Eli was coming early and they wanted to take every precaution. At this point Miss Tracy, Matt and I had about 1 minute to pray. My only request was that Eli would come into this world screaming...and that he did..After 3 pushes and 10 minutes he was here and Miss Tracy could hear him screaming across the hall. :o) God is so Good!!!!
The nurses quickly wisked him away to NICU and we were not able to see him for a few hours. When we went to meet our son, we found out that he was 4 lbs and 4.5 oz and 17.5 in long.
He was so sweet with tube coming out of what seemed like EVERYWHERE!! He had a nasal canula (with forced room air no oxygen), an iv for vitamins and a feeding tube in his throat because he could not yet suck. I was able to hold him when they found him to be stable that afternoon! It was so incredible!
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