Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am pretty much worthless these days. I'm pretty sure I broke my tailbone. The funny thing is that I did it almost 5 years ago.
I was visiting and friend and fell down her stairs and am pretty sure I broke my tailbone, but due to the fact that I knew the doctor couldn't do anything for it, I just rested and the pain passed.
Well, a couple of days ago I had the same nagging pain I often have from sitting on something hard or sleeping in the wrong position. Unfortunately, unlike the normal pain, this pain has escalated to full on pain. I am now taking Percocet and Ibuprofen in large doses and am only coping with the pain when I'm taking them regularly.
I did have an x-ray today and will, hopefully, soon find out what is going on and what to expect as far as healing goes, but for now, I am just waiting and praying! Thank God because my BFF Emanda is off school on Thursdays and Matt is off on Fridays so I have been able to keep Eli's needs met through them the last couple of days, but a new week is approaching and I am praying God will provide hands to care for Eli as long as I must be in bed.
Resting and praying and waiting...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Happened to Nap Time?!

For months I wondered when Eli would move into a one afternoon nap a day routine. He was 18 months before he decided he didn't need his morning nap and since then he has decided he doesn't need as much sleep all together. Not only have his nap times shortened, but his night has shortened as well.
Now, I know I shouldn't complain because his routine gives me a lot of "me" time throughout the day. The problem is that the me time has changed into me thinking about Eli time. Now, it is time filled with thoughts of how to entertain him when he's finished with "play alone" time or nap time or play at the park time or gym time. Not much me time isn't filled with thoughts of him...That's a mom's full time job, right?!
Anyway. The fact that I'm writing this blog proves that I have some time to myself! So, I'm going to keep doing what I do and be thankful!
I am truly blessed! God has been so kind to me to give me a healthy, vibrant son in spite of my extremely incompetent cervix. He is truly a miracle and I am so thankful!